We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our shareholders for their continued support.
TBK Group's corporate commitment is "to produce customer-oriented products and contribute to society." Furthermore, we have formulated VISION 2030*, which states that TBK Group aims to be a "a company speedily creates the values suited to the times" by 2030. The 15th Mid-Term Business Plan has been launched in April 2022, and first three years of this plan will be the first term of VISION 2030.
Looking at the business environment surrounding TBK Group, while economic activities are normalizing because various restrictions due to COVID-19 are being eased, the situation remains uncertain. For instance, global raw material prices are soaring due to the effects of the deterioration of the situation in Ukraine, and the yen depreciated sharply mainly due to the widening interest rate gap between Japan and the U.S. and Europe.
In addition, the automobile industry is undergoing a once-in-a-century period of great change, and after 2030, it will gradually change to environmentally friendly vehicles such as EVs and FCVs.
Under these circumstances, in fiscal 2023, the second year of the 15th Mid-Term Business Plan, under the slogan "Challenge to the future," we will speedily implement the measures described in "Corporate Value Improvement Initiatives," "Challenges for New Areas," and "ESG Business Initiatives," and aim to realize the results of the reforms we have been promoting.
In particular, in the "Challenges for New Areas," we will challenge ourselves to expand electric products such as Engine Assist Systems and expand new businesses such as aluminum casting (GDC) and robot-related businesses.
TBK Group will continue to be a company that is needed by society, aiming to become a leading company in Asia through customer satisfaction and value creation, and will implement various measures and work on new businesses.
We look forward to the continued support and encouragement from our shareholders.